My beliefs
As an educator, I believe in equality and treating students with the utmost respect regardless of race, gender, religion, disability, or social class. A teacher must provide equitable and appropriate access to learning for every child. I believe that all students can learn once the teacher gets to know each students’ strengths and weaknesses and provide suitable resources to help students achieve success.
Where my inspiration comes from
I was inspired to create this venture because of my experience working in Student Services for a short period of time. It is a job that you must have passion for in order to reach your students. During my tenure, I found a lot of things lacking in the Special Education Field. I often wondered why there was not a central hub of information or guidelines for common tasks. Some of my colleagues shared the same sentiments. I always thought to myself "if only we had someone to look over our testing scores, show us how to use the latest technologies, or had a centralized system to help with IEPs, I could spend more time with my students".
The Team
The EduHelp team is made up of Special Education Teachers, General Teachers, Technology Specialists, and Psychologists.

CEO-EduTech- Analesa Eadie
(Bsc.Information Technology)
(Bed. Education)
Providing a Complete Suite for Student Services
EduHelp Services