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A resource supporting educators with teaching writing that brings professional learning, networking, and strategies together!


The App for




Professional Learning

Targeting online professional development

to improve teacher retention and accessibility enabling teachers to become more involved in their personal growth.


Providing an online space for educators from different School Districts to collaborate and share new ideas and resources.


Develop a growth plan and link learning outcomes with strategies that will efficiently organize educators and support the learning process.

1. Content Quality

2. Funtionality

3. Design Quality

Helping you find the "write" solutions.

To aid your professional vision and practice!




As a teacher, I am always looking for ways to improve my craft! I was always searching the internet and could quickly find apps to facilitate the learners on how to improve their writing but not so much for teachers. Many teachers struggle to teach writing. While there are a lot of books and resources out there, it is time consuming to navigate through them all. I thought it would be inventive to create a framework for a mobile accessible app for teachers. This will entail mini-courses, videos, and a variety of resources accessible anytime anywhere that can facilitate teachers instructing writing, including the necessary fundamental skills, with a focus on K-6 learners.

Providing a Complete Suite of writing solutions

Writers Help

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