​​Writing is hard!
​The major problem developing writers face during writing is cognitive overload. Writing is a complex cognitive process, during which several resource-demanding cognitive activities have to be performed simultaneously, such as activating prior knowledge, generating content, planning, formulating, and revising, whilst taking into account the communicative goal of the text and the intended audience (Fayol, 1999).
Teaching students how to write can be problematic for students that hate writing, so you’ll have to find a way to make this skill attractive to them while removing some of the barriers and frustration. A lot of teachers do not how to teach writing that caters to all learning needs. Some of these challenges are outlined below:
Elementary teachers are generalists, not specialists, so there is always additional time needed to plan lessons. When you ask teachers what some of their biggest challenges are when teaching writing, they say TIME! Between recess, lunch, and all the other activities, there are only six hours of teaching time and this does not include assemblies, movement or brain breaks, field trips, special events, and other issues that arise daily.
Most of the teachers teaching today have not seen a writing course taught in college to prepare them to teach writing. Truth be told, if teachers don't know how to do something, they sometimes avoid it, or do it poorly, and it eventually impacts students' ability to write. In addition to this, teachers also require additional training to keep up with the rampant changes in technology to support their learners.
Graham (2018a, 2018b) argued that motivational factors are particularly important in writing, given that motivational beliefs influence whether one engages in writing, How much effort is committed, what actions the writer takes, and how he or she interacts with others (e.g., teacher or other students).
Lack of quality resources
With so many different learning styles it is usually hard to find materials that cater to every learner and meet the needs of distinctive learners in diverse situations. That is why we are here, to solve all these problems for teachers, and improve the learning experience of all students.